Plaque of STEM Excellence Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil: Engineering
Rang a Sé
Willy's Wonka's Sweet Machine
This activity involved the design and creation of a sweet machine.Each group received two large cardboard cylinders, one small cardboard cylinder, one metre of lagging pipe, cello tape and a cooking cone to aid in the design of their sweet machine. We were presented with the task of designing a sweet machine using all of the above mentioned materials with the objective of sending a gobstopper (marble) from the top of the machine to the bottom and land in a cup.
Múinteoir Cian led an exploration and discussion on the physics of a roller-coaster. We talked about the the scientific principles that underpin the functioning of roller-coasters such as gravity, friction, speed, velocity, potential energy and kinetic energy.
Willy's Wonka's Sweet Machine
This activity involved the design and creation of a sweet machine.Each group received two large cardboard cylinders, one small cardboard cylinder, one metre of lagging pipe, cello tape and a cooking cone to aid in the design of their sweet machine. We were presented with the task of designing a sweet machine using all of the above mentioned materials with the objective of sending a gobstopper (marble) from the top of the machine to the bottom and land in a cup.
Múinteoir Cian led an exploration and discussion on the physics of a roller-coaster. We talked about the the scientific principles that underpin the functioning of roller-coasters such as gravity, friction, speed, velocity, potential energy and kinetic energy.
Within our groups we drew and designed our sweet machine. When we were satisfied with our design we began to experiment with the materials and began to build our sweet machine.
• Making the sweet machine stable, the velocity of the marble leaving the sweet machine and the cup at the end falling over when the marble hit it were the main problems that arose.
• We realised that the weight on each side of the construct had to be equal for it to remain upright. Some groups highlighted that the velocity of the marble was too high due to the slant of the tubes. By placing a corner or a drop in the design, we observed that the velocity of the marble was decreased.
The cup which collected the marble at the bottom of the sweet machine was light in weight and consequently the marble knocked it over. We realised that if material was put in the cup to increase the weight, it was less likely to fall over.
Willy Wonka:
“Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple”

Engineering in a Box
‘Engineering in a Box’ is a new initiative whereby engineering skills are taught to primary school pupils with help from STEAM Education Ltd., engineering companies and University College Cork. Stryker Ltd, Little Island have kindly agreed to sponsor Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil. Three qualified engineers have been giving weekly lessons to our 4th classes.
Here are some the projects undertaken so far in the ten week programme:
Bridge Construction
Bridge Construction
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