Plaque of STEM Excellence Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil: Science

Living Things
Rang a 4C, by growing seeds indoors, explored the factors that affect plant growth such as water, light and heat . The seeds were planted in January and included spinach, cress and peas. They have recently been planted in the school garden.


During this process, the class also investigated how plants transport water from their roots to their leaves using capillary action.

A plant has four central pieces.

  • Roots
  • Stem
  • Leaves
  • Blossom
  1. The roots drink water from the soil.
  2. The water travels through the stem.
  3. The leaves light from the sun to receive energy.
  4. The blossom helps spread pollen so other flowers can bloom.

Celery Experiment

What you need to complete the experiment.

  • Celery
  • Food Coloring
  • A Cup
  • Water
  1. Add 1/2 a cup of water to your cup.
  2. Add a drop of food coloring to your cup.
  3. Place the celery in the cup.
  4. Leave over night so the plant can do its magic.
  5. Cut half way through the middle of the celery and see if your celery has changed.
  6. Check your celery every night to look for a change.

Your celery has absorbed  the colored water and  the  food coloring  has now changed color.
If not leave your celery over night and add another few drops of food coloring
If it doesn't work you have not cut the bottom correctly.

Gairdín na Scoile
All classes have been given a plot in the school garden where various plants and vegetables are grown.

Rang a Dó 

Rang a hAon

Rang a Ceathair

Life cycles of Different Animals
Naoínán Beaga, Naoínán Móra and Rang a 1 explored the life-cycle of robins and chickens. An incubator and eggs were brought into the class. Before the Easter Break, the chicks hatched and were there for all pupils in the school to view.


Sicíní Beaga Buí,
Is iad ina luí.
Imithe ón nead,
An bhfuaireadar cead?


An Spideog
Chonaic mise spideog bheag,

Ar chúl an tí inné.
Bhí ocras ar an chréatúr,

Mar bhí sioc istigh sa chré.

Thug mise píosa aráin di,
Is d’ith sí é go gasta.

Cheol an spideog amhrán dom,
Is d’imigh sí go gasta

Energy and Forces
Ciorcad a Dhéanamh
Fearas : Bolgáin,Sreang Leictreach,Ceallaire
1. Iarr ar dhuine fásta dhá píosa sreinge a gherradh agus an craiceann a bhaint den dhá taobh don
dhá shreang sin.
2Greamaigh taobh  amháin do sreang amháin  de bhun an ceallaire agus taobh amháin den sreang eile don bhun  don ceallaire. Úsáid téip leictreach.
3. Greamaigh an taobh eile den dhá sreang de theirminéail an bholgán-sreang amháin ar
taobh amháin agus an ceann eile don
taobh eile.

Toradh: Ba chóir go lasadh an bolgáin.

Pulleys and Levers (Rang a 5)

Investigating the effect of air resistance using different materials

Rang a Sé- Chemical reaction- Carbon dioxide formed by mixing an acid and
bicarbonate soda.

Bhíomar ag féachaint ar an tábhacht a bhaineann le calciam inár gcnámha agus i sin mbun
triala chun calciam a bhaint ó shliogán uibhe.
Comh maith le sin d'fhéachamar ar conas gáis déocsáid charbóin a chruthú nuair a
mheascann tú aicéid le décharbónait sóidiam.

Environmental Awareness and Care

5th class measured the amount of rainwater that fell in the school yard by creating their own rain meters.

Méid báistí a thiteann i gclós na scoile
D’úsáideamar méadar báistí chun an méid báistí a thit i gclós na scoile i ndá sheachtain i Mí na Samhna a thomhais.
  1. Ar dtús báire, chruthaíomar méadar báistí.
  2. Ansin, choinníomar taifead ar an méid báistí a thit gach lá idir 8/11/17 agus 22/11/17

  1. Turgnamh: Méadar báistí a dhéanamh

  • Tonnadóir
  • Buidéal plaisteach (1 lítear)
  • Marcóir dubh
  • Siosúr
  • Uisce

  1. Gearr an barr den bhuidéal plaisteach.
  2. Brúigh barr an bhuidéil isteach sa bhuidéal.
  3. Brúigh marla isteach i mbun an bhuidéil.
  4. Greamaigh téip dhuchta go dtí taobh an bhuidéil.
  5. Úsáid an maircéir agus rialóir agus déan marcáil ar ghach 1mm go dtí 20mm.
  6. Cuir an tonnadóir isteach sa bhuidéal. Anois tá méadar báistí agat!

  1. Turgnamh: Báisteach a thomhas
Méadar báistí
1. Fág an méadar báistí amuigh faoin aer in áit oscailte. B’fhearr é a shocrú i bpoll beag sa talamh i dtreo is nach leagfaidh an ghoath é.
2.Coinnigh taifead  i do leabhar oibre ar an méid báistí a thiteann gach lá.Bí cinnte an t-uisce a chaitheamh amach gach lá nuair ata an taifead scríofa agat . Déan seo ag an am céanna gach lá ar feadh dhá sheachtain.

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Méid báistí i Milliméadar ó 8/11/17 -22-/11/17
Iomlán Báistí

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Méid báistí a thiteann ar dhíon na scoile?
Thugamar figiúirí don mhéid báistí a thit gach mí i 2017 ó stáisiún aimsire Aerfort Chorcaí. Is é stáisiún aimsire Aerfort Chorcaí an stáisiún aimsire is congaraí don scoil. Shlánaíomar na figiúirí go dtí an milliméadar is congaraí.

5th class also created different waterwheels. Firstly, they showed that their waterwheel could create kinetic energy to lift a nail. 5th class then generated electricity from a water wheel they created.
Rothaí Uisce
Turgnamh: An féidir roth uisce a chruthú agus hidreachumhacht a ghiniúint chun tairne a ardú?

·        Buidéal plaisteach 2L
·        Rialóir
·        Maircéir
·        Scian
·        Siosúr
·        Corc
·        Snáth
·        Tairne
·        Briogún

1. Gearr buidéal plaisteach i dtrí phíosa. Ba cheart don phíosa sa lár a bheith 8cm ar dhoimhneacht.
2. Gearr 4 stiall atá 2cm ar leithead ón bpíosa sa lár. Ansin, gearr gach stiall 8cm ina leath ionas go bhfuil 8 stiall agat 4cm x 2cm.
3. Tarraing 8 líne go cothrom timpeall ar an gcorc agus gearr scoilt tríd na líntí seo.
4. Brúigh na stiallacha isteach sna pollta agus déan cinnte go bhfuil aghaidh na stiallacha ag dul an treo céanna.
5. Cuir dhá pholl, ceann ar ghach taobh sa phíosa  ag bun an buidéil.
6. Déan poll sa chorc agus brúigh briogún tríd an gcorc. Cuir an briogún tríd an dhá pholl ag bun an bhuidéil.
7. Ceangail píosa sreanga timpeall an bhriogúin le tairne ceangailte leis.
8. Cuir an roth uisce faoin sconna.
9. Féach an féidir leis an hidirecumhacht an tairne a ardú.

Toradh: Casann an roth uisce agus is féidir go leor fuinneamh cinéiteach a ghiniúint ón uisce chun tairne a ardú. 

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Ag Tógáil Rothaí Uisce Difriúla

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Space Week hosted in Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil

Innealtóireacht sa Spás
(Géaga Róbócha)
Triail a hAon
Materials: Lollipop sticks; cotter pins
Objective: Build a robot arm to aid Larry in fixing his spáslong. It must be able to pick up items.
Triail a Dó
  • Clear guidelines on how to build the robotic arm using the same materials.
  • Objective: To build a robotic arm that can grab items from a distance.
  • Prediction:  Creating a hinge by placing one lollipop stick over another will make the robotic arm
more stable.

Triail a Trí
  • Clear guidelines on how to build the robotic arm using matchsticks rather
than cotter pins as struts.
  • Objective: To build a robotic arm that can grab items from a distance.
  • Prediction:  Using wooden struts will tighten the hinges as it won’t bend as much.


Robotic Wars

We explored which of the two robotic arms would pick up the most amounts of candles and cubes;
the robotic arms with cotter pins or the robotic arms with matchsticks.





Thug Rang a Dó cuairt ar Blackrock Observatory.


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