
Plaque of STEM Excellence Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil: Science

Living Things Plandaí Rang a 4C, by growing seeds indoors, explored the factors that affect plant growth such as water, light and heat . The seeds were planted in January and included spinach, cress and peas. They have recently been planted in the school garden.     During this process, the class also investigated how plants transport water from their roots to their leaves using capillary action. A plant has four central pieces. Roots Stem Leaves Blossom The roots drink water from the soil. The water travels through the stem. The leaves light from the sun to receive energy. The blossom helps spread pollen so other flowers can bloom. Celery Experiment What you need to complete the experiment. Celery Food Coloring A Cup Water Add 1/2 a cup of water to your cup. Add a drop of food coloring to your cup. Place the celery in the cup. Leave over night so the plant can do its magic. ...

Plaque of STEM Excellence Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil: Mathematics

Amount of Rainwater that fell in Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil in November. 5th class measured the amount of rainwater that fell in the school yard using a rain gauge. Lá Méid báistí i Milliméadar ó 8/11/18-22-/11/18 8ú 11 9ú 1 10ú 0.5 11ú 12 12ú 0 13ú 0.5 14ú 1 15ú 0 16ú 1 17ú 5 18ú 8 19ú 0 20ú 0 21ú 0 22ú 0 Iomlán Báistí 40 4th class measured the amount of candles and cubes each of their robotic arms could pick up in a minute. Data Collecting and Frequency Table Representation of Data How Big is the Earth compared to the Moon Comparing and Contrasting the sizes of the Planets in the Solar System

Plaque of STEM Excellence Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil: Technology

Science Blog The blog team of Stiofán, Megan, Aoife, Kevin and Seán who created this blog.  Scratch     Tá Rang a Cúig agus Rang a Ceathair i mbun Scratch faoi láthair. Presently, we have reached the 7th lesson where we are learning to create our own Mini Game. Rang a Trí Na páiste i mbun taighde faoin tionscnamh a bhí idir lámha; Plaisteach san Fharraige Agus na iPadanna Scoile á chuir i bhfearas againn. Plaisteach san Fharraige. Ceann dos na fadhbanna is mó atá ag cur isteach ar saol na farraige is ea plaisteach atá caite amach ag daoine. Seo chuid don taighde atá déanta ag an rang ina thaobh seo.