Plaque of STEM Excellence Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil: Mathematics
Amount of Rainwater that fell in Gaelscoil Uí Drisceoil in November. 5th class measured the amount of rainwater that fell in the school yard using a rain gauge. Lá Méid báistí i Milliméadar ó 8/11/18-22-/11/18 8ú 11 9ú 1 10ú 0.5 11ú 12 12ú 0 13ú 0.5 14ú 1 15ú 0 16ú 1 17ú 5 18ú 8 19ú 0 20ú 0 21ú 0 22ú 0 Iomlán Báistí 40 4th class measured the amount of candles and cubes each of their robotic arms could pick up in a minute. Data Collecting and Frequency Table Representation of Data How Big is the Earth compared to the Moon Comparing and Contrasting the sizes of the Planets in the Solar System